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Culture & Society
Below are the articles under the tag Culture & Society.
The Middle Way
01 July 2021 | Gurkan Polat | Issue 142 (Jul - Aug 2021)
Democritus (460-370 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher, described the human being as “a world in miniature” akin to a microcosm. A human being is an i…
The Orientalists – Part 1
01 May 2020 | Lawrence Brazier | Issue 135 (May - Jun 2020)
Author’s note: Many of the books and authors mentioned here are well-known. There are dozens more from writers of various nationalities, and only a…
“And not equal are the good deed and the bad” - On Violence, Power, and Peace in Turkey’s Most Disastrous Year
31 October 2017 | Philip Clayton, PhD | Special Issue 2017
Why do the most violent people in the world accuse the most peaceful of violence? The last year represents one of the darkest periods in modern Turk…
Hizmet Is a True Embodiment of the Islamic Ideals of Love and Service to the Other
31 October 2017 | Ahmed Rehab | Special Issue 2017
I have seen many un-Islamic cults play out in the word today: ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, al-Shabab. Hizmet is not an un-Islamic cult. From my…
Is There an American Muslim Song?
31 October 2017 | Zara Khan | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
Islam in America presents a growing field of research for social scientists who explore Muslim societies and the contentions that arise around them…
Globalized Islam and the Muslims in the West
31 August 2017 | Al Strong | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
We are living in a globalized world. Different communities live side by side more than any other time in history. The transition comes with many chal…
“Don’t Forget to Like Me”
31 August 2017 | Sage Chen | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
Social media has become an important part of our lives. It has led a communication revolution, making it far easier for large, diverse groups of peop…
I am an Immigrant
30 June 2017 | Lawrence Brazier | Issue 118 (July - August 2017)
I really am an immigrant. I am British and I (rather favorably) married an Austrian girl and we have lived in Austria for 36 years. There has been sc…
The Gülen Community: Who to Believe – Politicians or Actions?
30 April 2017 | Thomas Michel | Issue 117 (May - June 2017)
On July 15, 2016, while President Erdoğan was vacationing in the Mediterranean coastal town of Marmaris, Istanbul and Ankara were shaken by an attemp…
Ibn Khaldun on Luxury and the Destruction of Civilizations
30 April 2017 | Alice Bolton | Issue 117 (May - June 2017)
“At the beginning of the empire, the tax rates were low and the revenues were high. At the end of the empire, the tax rates were high and the reven…
Schoolgirls Kidnapped in Nigeria!
28 February 2017 | Sophia Pandya | Issue 116 (March - April 2017)
Introduction On the night of January 13, 2017, eight people were kidnapped at gun point in the Ogun State of Nigeria,[1] by masked members of a grou…
A Culture of Peace
31 October 2016 | Deborah Moldow | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
The 21st century finds humanity at a crossroads. After centuries of material progress have brought undreamed of comforts, and travel and communicatio…
Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity of Mankind
30 June 2016 | Bayram Kara | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
Throughout history, human civilization has been mainly agricultural. Today, we supposedly live in the “digital” age. Scientific advancements have nev…
Baby in the Cold
30 June 2016 | Umar Agha | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
Abandoned babies left on the steps of a church or a mosque are not unfamiliar news for many of us. We are not going to discuss the socio-cultural rea…
Countering Violent Extremism? - What Happens in Molenbeek Matters in Milwaukee
30 April 2016 | Jon Pahl | Issue 111 (May - June 2016)
On the day I spoke in Brussels at a conference on “countering violent extremism,” a gun battle broke out in a Brussels suburb between French/Belgia…
From Whales to Technology
30 April 2016 | Sam Plat | Issue 111 (May - June 2016)
The shape of cars and airplanes directly affect their fuel consumption and performance. For proof of the connection between shape and fuel efficiency…
Max Kerner: “Holy Wisdom Needed to Create a Shared Culture in Europe”
29 February 2016 | The Fountain | Issue 110 (March - April 2016)
Professor Max Kerner, the former Deputy President at Aachen RWTH, one of the top universities of Europe, is recognized for his research on East-West…
Where Is the Virtual World Taking Human Relationships?
31 August 2015 | Onyeagolu Tochukwu | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
Humanity is now facing one of its greatest ailments - and it threatens to overwhelm us. Though terminal diseases like AIDS, cancer, and other patholo…
Clash of Wills
31 August 2015 | Hakan Yesilova | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
The histories of nations are shaped by countless stories, both real and fictional; in most cases, the line between the two blurs. Having been exposed…
Civil Rights, the Hizmet Movement, and the Liberative Power of Education
31 August 2015 | Scott C. Alexander | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
One of the foundational principles of the teachings of M. Fethullah Gulen, and thus one of the animating principles of the Hizmet movement, is the no…
Sculpture of the Carpenter
31 August 2015 | Sumayya B. Sharaf | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
As always, on the eve of his birthday, he planned a new sculpture in his mind. He brought the right books to get inspired, he opened the garage door…
Survival of the Local and Cultural Identity
30 June 2015 | Harun Parpucu | Issue 106 (July - August 2015)
Ermek Tursynov's Shal (2012) ("The Old Man") is one of the many masterpieces Kazakh cinema produced both during the Soviet era and following independ…
Let's Take a Coffee Break
30 June 2015 | Asli Ceren Tahan | Issue 106 (July - August 2015)
Coffee is the second most common beverage in the world after water and the second most widely used product after oil. Some people start their day by…
Hear to Heal: A New Approach to the Healing Power of Sufi Music
30 June 2015 | Volkan Efe | Issue 106 (July - August 2015)
It is widely accepted that music influences and affects people in different ways, starting from the first days of life. Humans are born with a strong…
Putting Yourself in Others' Shoes
30 April 2015 | Osman Senkaya | Issue 105 (May - June 2015)
Empathy is more important than ever in human relations. Be it among employer and employee, husband and wife, or parents and children, empathy seems n…
Pre-marital Counseling for Prosperous Marriages
28 February 2015 | Esranur Aslan Topaloglu | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
If young adults are educated before and throughout the marriage process, relationship deterioration can be prevented in the long run. Marriage i…
Responsibility and Freedom: Analysis through On Liberty
28 February 2015 | Alparslan Zora | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
Discussions over personal liberty and government intervention are as old as modern governments, as J.S. Mill’s writings show. John Stuart Mill w…
The Religious, Historical, and Cultural Development of Islamic Calligraphy
28 February 2015 | Jack Bunce | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
Islamic calligraphy isn’t just a gorgeous style of art, but a symbol for how rich and diverse the Islamic world truly is For all of the artistic…
31 August 2014 | Alparslan Zora | Issue 101 (September - October 2014)
Piracy, or the illegal downloading of digital media, came to the forefront of web politics in January 2012 as the United States Congress debated two…
Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow, and Thinking Together
30 June 2014 | Gokhan Aydin | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
Decision-making is a cognitive process that constantly runs in the background of our minds, resulting in choices made in a limited time based on avai…
Hearts and Minds for a Country: Nation and the Construction of Self Identity
30 June 2014 | Donald A. Beecher | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
We can speak of an alienation that comes with the contractual culture of the modern state. Nevertheless, such states can represent a set of principle…
Perspectives on Identity and Religion
30 June 2014 | Alptekin Kavi | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
What is identity? What is its relationship to religion and culture? How does it relate to modernization? What role does religious identity play in ex…
Lullaby, My Baby
30 June 2014 | Safiye Arslan | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
Sleep, baby, sleep Your father tends the sheep Your mother shakes the dreamland tree And from it fall sweet dreams for thee Sleep, baby, sleep Slee…
The Science of Courage, Compassion, and Connection
30 June 2014 | Kelli Angelone | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
I'm not happy with how I look ... I'm terrible with money ... My parents are so disappointed in me ... I have a mental illness ... I have an embarras…
Staff Only!
30 April 2014 | Seth Mette | Issue 99 (May - June 2014)
It was an ordinary day. As usual, I was sleepy. I had not had enough rest, since I was on call the previous night. Right before lunch, I was making p…
Hearts and Minds for a Country Nation and the Construction of Self Identity
30 April 2014 | Donald A. Beecher | Issue 99 (May - June 2014)
The topic is both risky and troubling because nation, per se, as it is defined in traditional ways, is no longer operative in pluralistic societies…
Reflections of a Human Rights Advocate
28 February 2014 | James C. Harrington | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
Civil society has yet to define and accept broader human rights ... The struggle goes on, building on those who went before us, for the benefit of…
Hui People: Chinese Speaking Muslims
28 February 2014 | Ali Osman Ozkan | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
Though most outsiders view Chinese culture as being monolithic, both ethnically and religiously, there are over 20 million Muslims living within Ch…
Relax - I Am Out Of The Game
28 February 2014 | Melissa McPen | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
I tell myself: "It's ok, there is no race, step aside. Be humble. Keep your beauty within. Liberate yourself from things that don't matter..." Now I…
Charitable Trusts in Medieval Islam
31 December 2013 | Osman Senkaya | Issue 97 (January - February 2014)
All over the vast Islamic world, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, various services that are fundamentally important to society have been financed…
Planet Without Laughter
31 October 2013 | Mustafa Veysi Nural | Issue 96 (November - December 2013)
Though we cannot see humor, like faith, we perceive it all around us. Once upon a time there was a planet in an unknown corner of the vast univ…
(Dis) Honor Killings: How Islam Can Help Prevent Them
31 October 2013 | Kim Soltani | Issue 96 (November - December 2013)
It has been claimed that many crimes against women are carried out in the name of Islam, and that the religion condones the poor treatment of women…
I Am Calling You, Friend
31 October 2013 | Niyazi Misri | Issue 96 (November - December 2013)
Oh the beauty in my heart I'm calling you friend, oh friend. Thousand pieces torn apart I'm calling you friend, oh friend. I'm filled with the lo…
Ascencion to His Mercy
30 June 2013 | Musa Ilhan | Issue 94 (July - August 2013)
As the water of ablution trickles down my faceAnticipation overwhelms me in the presence of His GraceCleansed is my body, before the purification of…
Butterfly Effect
30 April 2013 | Seth Mette | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
You had to build the cocoon as your sanctuary In order to find your new self in tranquility As you transformed, the sanctuary became the enemy Dem…
Securing Peace and Democracy: Consocational Democracy and the Role of Religious Leaders
28 February 2013 | Daniel Hummel | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
A consocational democracy is a type of democracy which emphasizes the importance of power-sharing and decision-making among different segments in s…
Mala’, Manufacture of Consent, and True Freedom
28 February 2013 | Hamdi Sener | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
Mala’, the ruling clique of a particular social order, throughout history have always been at the forefront to control the thoughts and actions of th…
Helping Hands
31 December 2012 | Sevim Karabulut | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
With half the world living on less than $2.50 per day and with 46.2 million people in the United States living below the poverty line, poverty is a…
Responses to Conflict in Individualistic and Collectivistic Societies
31 December 2012 | Osman Senkaya | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
Cultural differences have a potential to trigger conflicts at all levels, and the response each society gives to these conflicts depend on what the…
The Hajj: Reflections from Mina
31 October 2012 | Margaret A. Johnson | Issue 90 (November - December 2012)
This article does not encompass the entire Hajj ritual, most notably leaving out umrah and visiting the Ka'ba. Rather the author reflects on a rarely…
Will You Hold My Hand Please?
30 April 2012 | Hasan Cucuk | Issue 87 (May - June 2012)
Anne-Mette Harder is a Danish Nurse. There is one important thing which makes her different from her other colleagues: She keeps company with the old…
The Optimizing Man
31 December 2011 | Devrim Bulut | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
In 1881, F. Edgeworth defines the first principle of economics such that every agent is motivated only by self-interest. The idea of self-interest mo…
Same World, Different Lenses: A Brief Overview of Cultural Differences
31 December 2011 | Osman Senkaya | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
According to the British writer Raymond Williams, culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in English. It has many definitions bu…
The Cultural Perspective and Societal Change
31 December 2011 | Daniel Hummel | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
Society is built on institutions; this is an inescapable fact. According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, an institution is “a significant practice…
Beware the Messenger! Misinformation in the Age of Globalization
31 October 2011 | Kaan Kerem | Issue 84 (November - December 2011)
Chowdury Osman, a taxi driver in New York City, made himself a hero in February 2007 when he returned a black bag carrying 31 diamond rings to a pass…
Bringing the Soul Back In: A Spiritual Conception of Human Nature for the Social Sciences
30 April 2011 | P. Geoffrey Bakken | Issue 81 (May - June 2011)
The development of the modern social sciences has been intimately bound up with the Enlightenment belief that scientific investigation can be used to…
Paths Ahead: Reflections on Bosnian Muslim Presence in the United States
28 February 2011 | Fethi Keles | Issue 80 (March - April 2011)
This commentary offers a few reflections on the impact of the American experience on the formation of a Bosnian identity in the United States. I have…
A Legacy of Hope
31 October 2010 | Raaza Jamshed Butt | Issue 78 (November - December 2010)
Time and again we have all heard our elders talk of a bygone Golden Age. Amidst the epochs of confusion that buffet humankind in the form of sophisti…
Music of the Spheres
30 June 2010 | Julie Ann Cunningham | Issue 76 (July - August 2010)
Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everyth…
The Influence of Islamic Art on M.C. Escher
30 June 2010 | Fatih Gelgi | Issue 76 (July - August 2010)
Although most of us do not remember or have not ever heard the name M.C. Escher, we are probably familiar with the world-famous illustration shown be…
Spiritual Capital for Social Change
30 April 2010 | Marylynn Schiavi | Issue 75 (May - June 2010)
When talking about capital most people think of money, gold, homes, and land. But there is a new and growing perspective focused on non-traditional c…
Married to a Turk?!
31 December 2009 | Mirkena Ozer | Issue 73 (January - February 2010)
“Have you lost your mind?!” Professor Lydia cried as soon as I announced that I had been engaged two days ago to Ali, a young man from Turkey. I had…
Social Reform and Fethullah Gulen: the Cairo Perspective
31 October 2009 | Hakan Yesilova | Issue 72 (November - December 2009)
In Egypt the impression of Turkey in recent times has been shaped by the fantastic goal the soccer player Hasan sas scored against Brazil in the 2002…
Honoring Our Parents
31 October 2009 | Fatih Harpci | Issue 72 (November - December 2009)
Our parents are the people who provide the most care for us in this world. Unfortunately, most of us often fail to show them the respect they deserve…
Fethullah Gulen: Inspirer of Multi-disciplinary Studies
30 June 2009 | Kerim Balci | Issue 70 (July - August 2009)
"The work of Gulen's followers in Turkey shows that Islam-as taught by Gulen-seeks tolerance, not conflict; it aims for a better society, not polit…
The Dancing Pen
28 February 2009 | Ayse Meva Nur | Issue 68 (March - April 2009)
No one knows dancing like him. Swirl, lift, dip. The routine continues. Swirl, lift, dip. This is what Osman Sahin does to relax. Dance. But he is n…
Dialogue in Central Eurasia
28 February 2009 | Zhandos Utegulov | Issue 68 (March - April 2009)
Central Eurasia is characterized by historians as one of the most diverse places on the face of the earth, with its distinct and colorful characteris…
Fethullah Gulen and the Contribution of Islamic scholarship to Democracy
31 December 2008 | Muhammed Cetin | Issue 67 (January - February 2009)
Since the fifth century BCE, democracy has been discussed by political theorists, philosophers and members of diverse societies and cultures. Althoug…
The Relationship between Law and the Benefits of Intermingling Them
31 August 2008 | Ahamuduzzaman | Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
From the ancient Greek tragedian Sophocles to Shakespeare, Dickens and modern legal dramatist Grisham, stories about law have fascinated readers and…
Crime in the Mind of Dostoyevsky
30 June 2008 | Alice Bolton | Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
The theoretical study of crime, due to its potential to provide us with a way to understand the human mind, has been one of the topics that have attr…
An American Muslim in Istanbul
30 April 2008 | Mary Lahaj | Issue 63 (May - June 2008)
Like so many American Muslims, Istanbul too stands at the crossroads of East and West. My trip to Turkey was never intended to be a spiritual journey…
People with Disabilities from an Islamic Perspective
30 April 2008 | Hurisa Guvercin | Issue 63 (May - June 2008)
Special education and the Islamic principle of inclusion Historically, people with disabilities have been prey to society’s misconceptions, stereoty…
Economic Development via Human Development
29 February 2008 | A. Kadir Yildirim | Issue 62 (March - April 2008)
Think about two South African children born on the same day in 2000: Nthabiseng and Pieter. Nthabiseng is born to a black family with no formal educa…
The Place of Tolerance in Islam
29 February 2008 | Ugur Kuru | Issue 62 (March - April 2008)
In the aftermath of September 11, Islam’s relation to violence and tolerance have been widely discussed. The critics have generally tried to produce…
The Construction of Intelligence in Terms of Cultural Differences between East and West
31 December 2007 | Alice Bolton | Issue 61 (January - February 2008)
As human beings, we live in societies that create their own systems of meanings through the process known as culture. This system of meanings is enco…
A Communitarian Imperative: Fethullah Gulen's Model of Modern Turkey
31 December 2007 | Mark Scheel | Issue 61 (January - February 2008)
If there has been one great political lesson the twentieth century has taught us, surely it is the undeniable truth of Lord Acton’s dictum, “Power te…
A Wonder for Mankind
31 December 2006 | Kathleen St.onge | Issue 57 (January - March 2007)
The waves are lapping the hull of Noah’s boat. Far beneath, in stages of darkness, the ocean world lives on through the flood, for the heavy rains on…
15 Minutes
31 March 2006 | Cafer Tayyar Yavuz | Issue 54 (April - June 2006)
Most of us don’t worry about 15 minutes, which perhaps is no time at all. In 15 minutes, it is hard to drive to work; it is hard to read a newspaper…
Abstaining From Alcohol
31 December 2005 | Kathleen St.onge | Issue 53 (January - March 2006)
Like all converts to Islam, I am sometimes haunted by my past and always in awe of the mercy of God. By the grace of God, many people reading this ha…
Resonant Egos and The Art of Married Life
30 September 2005 | Seth Mette | Issue 52 (October - December 2005)
Life is an arena where individuals can reveal the secrets hidden in their ego by interacting with the world. Marriage is a part of life that involves…
A Neglected Value in The 21st Century: NEIGHBORLINESS
30 September 2004 | Alphonse Dougan | Issue 48 (October - December 2004)
Neighborhood and neighborliness is an important social value that is often neglected in this century. Just as in Judaism and Christianity, the rights…
The Effect of Television in the Early Years
31 March 2004 | Hasan Aydinli | Issue 46 (April - June 2004)
Among the greatest inventions of the twentieth century are devices of mass communications. Every invention can have either a positive or a negative e…
The Pride of Humanity in a Scenario
30 September 2003 | Talha Ugurluel | Issue 44 (October - December 2003)
There are movies you watch, movies you live and which make you live, and there are movies condemned to fade away and be forgotten before they even pa…
Where is Hollywood Heading?
31 March 2003 | Talha Ugurluel | Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
American movies dominate the global film industry. Almost everyone is exposed to these Hollywood clips and movies to some degree. Now that the commun…
Plastic Electronics
30 September 2002 | Hamza Balci | Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
The 1981 movie The Graduate ends with a remarkable scene in which Dustin Hoffman (the young college graduate Benjamin) is advised to continue his car…
Honesty and Deception
30 September 2002 | Dr. Naim F. Erdem | Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Ethics and accountability have become important themes for modern government, as most countries are experiencing a severe crisis of legitimacy. Incre…
Privacy under Surveillance
30 June 2002 | Dr. Sezai Sablak | Issue 39 (July - September 2002)
Privacy is a fundamental human right in diverse regions and cultures. It has become one of the modern age's most important human rights issues. Even…
Gender Equality in Politics
30 June 2002 | Esen E. Celik | Issue 39 (July - September 2002)
Gender inequality is often considered to be a basic characteristic of Islam. It is a tough issue to deal with if we consider the Muslims diverse cult…
Identity and Political Activity in Modern Europe
30 September 2001 | Guy Meynen | Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
The post-communist phenomenon of economic globalization tends to enlarge the economic gap between haves and have-nots. This economic gap assumes a ge…
Holistic Time Management
30 September 2001 | Alphonse Dougan | Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” - Mark Twain Time is illusive, for it is hard to define, capture, or ima…
Global Developments
30 September 2001 | The Fountain | Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
IN ACADEMICS Useful Links: Organizations devoted to the academic study of religion and interfaith research and activities have found a home on the I…
Economic Globalization and the Quest for Profit
30 September 2001 | Jay Willoughby | Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
America emerged from the Second World War as the world’s leading economic and industrial power. When it decided to reject its isolationist past in or…
Visible Signs of the Resurrection
30 September 2001 | Sebnem Yildiz | Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
At first glance, nature seems to be whatever we can see. Thus many of us tend to take life for granted and assume that its existence is both ordinary…
Global Development
30 June 2001 | The Fountain | Issue 35 (July - September 2001)
In Academics Religion and Science: The Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, Inc., will convene on July 29-August 4, 2001. The topic, Human Me…
The Media and Hate Messages
30 June 2001 | Ekrem Dumanli | Issue 35 (July - September 2001)
It is hard to believe that people sit at their computers and shoot African-Americans on a Web site featuring a cyberjungle where white hunters hunt b…
Parenting Styles: How They Affect Children
31 March 2001 | Suheyla Sarac | Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Parenting is a most challenging yet rewarding experience. Baumrind, who studied parenting styles during the early 1960s, concluded that they differ i…
Utopia as a Form of Madness
31 March 2001 | Jay Willoughby | Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
For a state to function successfully, its rulers must have a realistic vision. This is acquired by building trust with the people, formulating ration…
Breen's Code: Interfaith Cooperation For Morals in Movies
30 September 2000 | Laura Williams | Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
When two students walked into Colombine High School in Littleton, CO, and killed 12 fellow students, a century-old debate was revived: Is there a con…
Wrong Timing Wounded Conscious
30 June 2000 | Nihal B. Karaca | Issue 31 (July - September 2000)
It was always the 1968 generation. It was considered an insult not to recall them when mention was made of that year. Critical, revolutionary, taboo…
Virtual Park
30 June 2000 | Yasin Kesen | Issue 31 (July - September 2000) The tradition of our scientific and technological explosion continues in the new millennium as an inheritance from the nineteen…
Working Children
31 March 1999 | Frank Alder | Issue 26 (April - June 1999)
Although child labor is old as the history of humanity, it has gained speed with industrial revolution. Nowadays, the situation is worse than ever be…
Modernism and Postmodernism: A Contrast in Perspective and Attitude
31 March 1999 | Ilhan Kaya | Issue 26 (April - June 1999)
Postmodernism can be viewed in several ways. Initially, postmodernism was a reaction to the modernist style of architecture developed after World War…
Birth and Music
31 March 1999 | Sebnem Unlu | Issue 26 (April - June 1999)
The baby was crying ceaselessly. When mother leaned him to her chest, right over her heart, he suddenly stopped crying and calmed down. When she thou…
Reflections on Robinson Crusoe
31 March 1998 | F. B. Rahim | Issue 22 (April - June 1998)
Part II: Economic Individualism and Secularization The wider context of Robinson Crusoe Crusoe’s relationship with God is sincere, intense and act…
The All American Way The Military And The Media
30 June 1996 | T. E. Yildirim | Issue 15 (July - September 1996)
The 1991 Persian Gulf War provided a testing ground for many of the latest war machines. It also clearly demonstrated the use of the news media, part…
After The Conference
30 June 1995 | The Fountain | Issue 11 (July - September 1995)
International Conference on Islam and Science: Conflicting disciplines or manifestations of the same truth? The Conference was held in the Wembley G…
Excessive Love of Dogs
06 January 1994 | M. Temiz | Issue 7 (July - September 1994)
The results of a survey carried out in England and Wales showed that 60% of couples love their pet dog more than each other. In France, caring for do…
Results of Writing Competition
06 January 1994 | The Fountain | Issue 7 (July - September 1994)
As our readers remember THE FOUNTAIN announced in its third and fourth issues a WRITING COMPETITION –The Islamic approach to the modern science,natur…
The Good, and the bad and ugly: Western Cinema Images
09 January 1993 | K. Aydin | Issue 4 (October - December 1993)
The image (rather than the word) has come into power as a result of technological possibilities not available before the second half of this century…